HOW can you KNOW you are asking the questions you SHOULD be ASKING?
Your IT Career is like a business and so needs to be run like a business. Businesses have a Business Plan, a Marketing Plan, a Finance Plan, an Operations Plan, a Product Development Plan and so on. As an IT Contractor Performance Catalyst I help you work through your top 3 most pressing issues and the points you are most vulnerable (1) two weeks before the end of the current contract (ii) just before just after the interview and when things can look most bleak (iii) between contracts
"... money aside, life is great.... i just hate being financially poor... its been like that for 5 years now. All of my friends have been promoted to much higher salaries and I am struggling to make even what fresh grads from community colleges are making. But in time, i will be able to show people, convincingly, that i am good and that they are making the right choice with me.
How will your team experience your leadership?
What opportunities will open up for THEM participating in YOUR 'game' ?
What will THEY get out of working for YOUR team over and above a paycheck?
Most IT Team Leads don’t give satisfaction enough attention, yet team satisfaction is an essential key strategic indicator that is highlighted in every team lead's strategic objective for their position.Your team needs to have a CLEAR sense of where THEY can FIT in your IMMEDIATE plan, and they need to know the big idea behind your ULTIMATE VISION. That allows them to DECIDE if they want to back you as part of something they can believe in and benefit from and devote themselves to fully. Your leadership strategy should include communicating your vision to key people in your team that you intend to move forward with. as much as possible, which is something they will truly appreciate. In many ways, that’s what every person is looking for in their working environment and what so many Team Leads lack.
We all KNOW that members of a team WANT to hitch their wagon behind a leader.. ESPECIALLY a leader who they see is clearly going somewhere. They want to come in close and contribute in ways that deepens the pull of the leaders draft. They will only do that if there is something clearly in it for them.
UNFORTUNATELY Team Leads often don't communicate this as effectively as they should.
TO what EXTENT is having people RUN... the instant they hear your name... IMPORTANT?.